Probate Proceedings
During the trauma of losing a loved one, major decisions must be made. If you are involved in the legal and financial affairs of the recently deceased, seek probate counsel from Martin A. Kooperman, Attorney at Law to assist you during the estate administration process. As your probate attorney, he ensures that the assets of the deceased are managed in accordance with probate law.
Settling the Affairs of the Deceased
After the death of a loved one, their taxes and debts are paid, and their assets are dispersed by a personal representative. The personal representative will execute the will or act as administrator assigned by the court if no will was created. They are typically responsible for the following tasks, which must be handled according to legal ramifications of probate law:
Informing relevant parties about probate proceedings, including family and creditors
Collecting the assets of the deceased and assessing the estate
Selling property to pay all required expenses, including leftover debts and taxes
Distributing the remaining estate to designated family members and relatives
When to Consult a Probate Attorney
A probate attorney is not necessary in the case of every death, but having one can help you with the process. Depending on the gross value of the estate, the situation of the heirs, conflict among the heirs, business partnership involvement and unusual circumstances, consider hiring Martin A. Kooperman, Attorney at Law as your probate lawyer.
Why a Will is Important
No matter what superstition tells you, writing a will does not mean you are going to die sooner. Eventually, everyone passes on; a will just expresses what you would like to happen after your death. It protects your family and assets in the probate process in case anything happens to you.
Your Final Say
A will is a legal document, but it deals with your personal life and wishes. If you would like your sister to get an item of jewelry or your friend to inherit your record collection, you need a will to make sure that happens. Even if you don’t have specific plans for your estate after your death, writing a will establishes order in the proceedings.
Dying Without a Will
The state of Tennessee has laws established to execute estates of individuals without a will. If your loved one passed away without a will, you have to request a court-appointed administrator to fill the role of the executor. They must strictly adhere to the laws laid out by the state instead of deferring to family concerns and preferences.
Protect Your Family and Estate
Plan for a future without you there. As sad as it is to think about, establishing a will yourself is better for your family and asset management. Martin A. Kooperman, Attorney at Law makes the job simple.
He has been writing wills since 1981. So, he will guide you through all of the factors you need to consider. As you select an executor, identify heirs, name guardians, assess your property and divide it among the beneficiaries, Martin A. Kooperman, Attorney at Law will be there to offer his legal expertise.
It’s never too early to write a will, but it could eventually be too late.
Estate and Trust
Plan for Your Estate
As we live our lives, we work toward goals: financial stability, a growing family and owning a house are often on people’s lists. Another side effect of living is accumulation. All the money and property owned by a person is legally referred to as their “estate.” Martin A. Kooperman, Attorney at Law will help you plan for your estate.
Long-Term Asset Management
Many people know that their last will and testament plans for their estate in the case of their death; however, you can make other arrangements for your estate during your life, including power of attorney, living wills and living trusts.
Power of Attorney
If you are the caregiver of a minor or person who is or will be incapacitated, it is essential for you to have power of attorney for them. Power of attorney gives you the legal authority to act in the person’s behalf to make legal, financial and medical decisions. If a situation arises where you need to transfer or affirm power of attorney, call Martin A. Kooperman, Attorney at Law.
Living Wills
In addition to a last will and testament, many people choose to establish a living will. This document is a directive to physicians and loved ones, expressing your wishes for end-of-life medical care in the case that you lose the ability to express your wishes.
Consider Your Estate Options
As you look forward to the future, make sure you consider your legal future. Martin A. Kooperman, Attorney at Law is here to help you realize those plans. He will help you find the best way to protect your family and your estate. Don’t wait to build your safety net.